I have for sale my 28mm Napoleonic Sharp Practice collection - everything you need to start a great pro-French faction. The figures are Perry plastic and metal French, along with some Victrix plastics, all mounted to 20mm round MDF bases and - where applicable - complete with MDF movement trays from Warbases, Inc. What do you get?
One complete French infantry battalion of six (6) companies - four (4) line, one (1) grenadier and one (1) voltigeur - of eight (8) figures apiece, all mounted on MDF round bases, complete with movement trays. Also included are two (2) foot officers, one (1) drummer, one (1) eagle-bearer and one (1) mounted "chef de battailon."
Three (3) German infantry companies, each of eight (8) figures and mounted on round MDF bases and movement trays. One company is from Anhalt-Dessau, one from the Frankfort battalion and one from "the Battalion of Princes," in this case the two companies drawn from Schwarzbourg. Also included is a mounted officer from Schwarzbourg.
One (1) additional company of eight (8) French line grenadiers, mounted on round MDF bases and a movement tray.
One company of six (6) carabineers from a light infantry battalion, mounted on round MDF bases and a movement tray.
That makes a total of ninety (90) figures and two (2) mounted figures. Asking price is $300 or best offer, excluding priority shipping within the United States.
A new YouTube video: Jose Maria Bueno Carrera: Spanish military uniform
expert and artist
I have just uploaded a new YouTube video to the Wargaming Miscellany
YouTube channel.
1 day ago